Our people
“Always moving forward with our people as our driving force”
Our people are the driving force behind our success. Employee skillsets, adaptability, uniqueness and team spirit are elements that provide us with an exceptional competitive advantage.
In Anoxal, we are driven by a sense of responsibility, respect and integrity, so as to remain an employer of choice for our people throughout their career.
We promise to acknowledge the importance of the human element, provide all employees equal opportunities and all the best available resources to succeed in their job.
We embrace our people with pride and trust and empower them to achieve operational excellence through knowledge sharing, continuous vocational training and support on a daily basis, aiming to align their individual needs and expectations with the company’s mission.
Our main objective is to maintain a safe and healthy working environment, and to create a sense of belonging and commitment to our values and corporate culture.
Anoxal is dedicated to complying with the laws and regulations governing our industry, as well as ensuring respect for human rights.
The Business Code of Conduct is a key tool for shaping the corporate culture and enhancing the values and standards we seek to promote. It includes issues such as respect for partners and colleagues, confidentiality, avoidance of conflicts of interest and compliance with the law.
The Code of Conduct is reviewed and updated regularly to ensure compliance with the current rules and practices.