Acknowledging that sustainability is one of the most important issues for its long-term development, Anoxal has incorporated the following principles and priorities in its operation:
- Occupational health and safety.
- Respect for environmental protection.
- The complete provision of high-level products and services in the market, meeting its customers’ needs, while at the same time it cooperates and actively supports local society.
Climate change, which in recent decades directly influences our life, now constitutes one of the biggest challenges for the companies in our industry, which have always operated taking into account the protection of the natural environment.
Aluminium, the same as all other materials, leaves its own environmental footprint. Anoxal, with the aid of recycling and the use of new technologies for saving energy resources, ensures the manufacturing of aluminium products with the lowest possible environmental footprint. Thus, our products are characterized as sustainable, confirming that our Company is sensitive in terms of environmental protection issues, which are of critical importance for us.
At the same time, Anoxal’s sustainable development policy is consistent with the Company’s values, such as responsibility, integrity, transparency and innovation.
Our policy is determined by the Management, which is committed to complying with the applicable legislation, internal corporate rules and procedures and, in general, adopting Best Practices in the Company’s activity sectors listed below:
- Decision-Making.
- Supporting all the employees’ and partners’ participation in ameliorating health and safety, as well as in the in-depth research of each incident.
- Providing the suitable resources in order to achieve the best possible level of health and safety.
Our main objective is to maintain the healthy working climate that we have created, as well as our people’s professionalism and devotion to our values and working culture.
Our people
“Always moving forward with our people as our driving force”
Our people are the driving force behind our success. Employee skillsets, adaptability, uniqueness and team spirit are elements that provide us with an exceptional competitive advantage.
In Anoxal, we are driven by a sense of responsibility, respect and integrity, so as to remain an employer of choice for our people throughout their career.

Health and Safety
Health and Safety in Anoxal aims at establishing the respective culture in all the company’s internal and external activities. In Anoxal, we apply the Occupational health and Safety Management System, certified pursuant to the International Standard ISO 45001:2018.

The protection and preservation of the environment is a fundamental concern to our company. Environmental protection is our responsibility. Anoxal is committed to complying with the rules and procedures that ensure the facilities’ operation in accordance with the approved Environmental Terms.
We recognize the importance of protection of environment by setting objectives and targets to improve our environmental performance.
Anoxal, as an environmentally responsible company, adopts the Environmental Management System pursuant to the principles of ISO 14001:2015 Standard, and is committed to carrying out its business activity in conformity, compliance and respect for the environment and its continuous amelioration, in order to improve its sustainability.